Join the Andrea Justine Fitness Community! 🎉
If you’re committed to improving your fitness and health no matter how busy your life is and are looking for a like-minded community to...
🙌 Support, motivate, and uplift you
✍️ Plan and commit to achieving your fitness and nutrition goals
🥳 Celebrate your achievements
🙋♀️ Ask your burning fitness questions
🤓 Give you feedback and tips on how you can fit a healthy lifestyle into your already crowded schedule
👯♀️ Create friendships
🤩 Access resources from Andrea Justine Fitness
💪 Get stronger and healthier every day!
Go to the Andrea Justine Fitness Community Facebook Group and click the ‘Join Group’ button now, read our House Rules carefully, and we can’t wait to support you on your journey!
Questions? Email and save this space for fitness and nutrition goodness.
Keep it positive, helpful and respectful. Personal attacks, trolling, bullying, and abuse doesn't belong here (or anywhere!) and anyone with this behavior will be removed. If you don't think someone is engaging in good faith, report it to us via email instead of responding and we'll handle it. 😉
Controversial or political comments will be deleted
Let's enjoy this space, encourage each other, band together, and be the fittest and strongest we have ever been!